
Intuitive Body Reading

Body Work Therapy
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Intuitive Body Reading

Intuitive Body Reading is the ability to discern and “see” physical and emotional states within the energy body that are problematic areas stemming from past, present, and sometimes future states. We investigate likely causes and will also provide helpful solutions. All information that is intuitively read will be delivered in a loving and supported environment.
Intuitive Body Reading is conducted while you lay on a massage table, sofa, or other comfortable place. The focus is on your body and to “see” areas of various significance, received intuitively. Presently significant injuries, illnesses, physical habits, dietary tendencies, as well as conditions of the past and/or future are often reviewed. The goal is to provide awareness to these issues that may arise and create lasting solutions for healing the body, heart and soul. Also, information may arise regarding emotional states that may be attributing to a physical negativity; factors such as stress, family, work, and so on. Information is shared with you in real-time, and you are free to respond with questions and comments during the session.

During an Intuitive Body Reading session, information from your guides about possible solutions to certain negative states may be received; which often include herbal supplements, dietary changes, exercises, lifestyle changes, and other ideas.


All Services

Functional Wellness

Identifying illness at the source

Restoring wellness

Supporting continued health and wellbeing

Body Work Therapy

Intuitive Body Reading

Injury Rehab

Cranio-sacro Therapy

Ancient Healing Traditions

IV Nutrition Therapy

Hydration for the cellular health

Necessary micronutrients for wellness

Recovery for imbalances in the body


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